Township Board Committees
There are currently no vacancies at this time.
Click HERE for an application.
Election Commission:
A Township Election Commission is composed of the Township Clerk, and two Trustees. The Township Election Commission members are responsible for establishing precincts, assessing voting equipment needs, providing election supplies (including ballots), appointing precinct inspectors and carrying out other election related duties for their respective jurisdictions.
Finance and Compensation:
Members are the Township Supervisor, Clerk & Treasurer
Parks & Recreation:
1 Board Member is appointed to this Board
The Parks & Recreation Committee is comprised of three members, one being a Township Board Representative. They are appointed to 2 year staggered terms.
Their main duties are as follows:
1. To expand recreational opportunities within the township.
2. To explore, oversee, review and recommend improvements or expansions of current facilities.
3. Secure volunteers for Parks and Recreation maintenance.
Public Safety:
This committee typically is comprised of 3 Township Trustees.
Their main duties include:
1. To work in cooperation with the Public Safety Director
2. Review personnel issues as related to Public Safety
3. Review grievances from Public Safety Union
4. Recommend to full Township Board changes in policies
5. Recommend purchases to full Township Board
6. Be part of interview process and recommend new hires to full Township Board
Technical Committee:
The Technical Committee is a Committee appointed by the Supervisor of the Township to review, research and recommend needed changes pertaining to the Township’s technology needs including, but not limited to computers, local area network and communication system.
The Utilities Committee is a Committee appointed by the Supervisor of the Township to review, research and recommend needed changes to matters concerning any Township utility operation including, but not limited to, Sewer and Wastewater Treatment and Water Utilities within Blackman Charter Township. This committee shall also be the negotiating team for any Utilities issue.
Economic Development Authorities
Downtown Development Authority (DDA):
The purpose of the DDA is to plan, propose and implement the construction, repair, remodeling, rehabilitation, restoration, preservation or reconstruction of a public facility, an existing building or a new building within the boundaries of the DDA. The DDA also develops long range plans to halt the deterioration of property values in the downtown district and to promote the long-term economic growth of the downtown district.
Local Development Finance Authority (LDFA):
The purpose of the LDFA is to encourage local development to prevent conditions of unemployment and promote economic growth. The LDFA provides for the creation and implementation of development plans. The LDFA can buy and sell interests in real and personal property. It can also incur debt to further the goals and purposes of the LDFA.
Land Use
Planning Commission:
1 Board Member is appointed to this Commission
The Planning Commission consists of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, a Township Board Representative and a Planning Commission Representative. They are appointed to 3 year staggered terms. Meetings are held as needed on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month.
Their main duties include but are not limited to:
1. Take action on requests for amendments to the Zoning Ordinance.
2. Take action on requests for amendments to the Master Land Use plan.
3. Maintain the Land Use Plan.
4. Review subdivision and condominium proposals and recommend appropriate actions to the Township Board.
Zoning Board of Appeals:
1 Board Member is appointed to this Board
The Zoning Board of Appeals consists is comprised of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Township Board Representative and a Planning Commission Representative. They are appointed to 3 year staggered terms. Meetings are held as needed on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
Their main duties include but are not limited to:
1. Work in cooperation with the Township Zoning Administrator.
2. Act on applications for variances, appeals, interpretations, or other matters as required by the zoning ordinance.
Review Boards
Board of Canvassers:
The Board of Canvass consists of four township citizen members, 2 Republican and 2 Democrats, who each serve a 4 year term.
The duty of the Board of Canvass is to certify local elections.
Board of Review:
The Supervisor acts as the Secretary for this Board
The Board of Review consists of three township citizen members. They are appointed to two-year terms and their main duties are:
1. Examine and review the assessment and correct errors in the names, descriptions and assessments.
2. Listen to taxpayers who wish to protest their assessment and to grant relief if such action is appropriate.
Citizens Public Safety Advisory
Construction Board of Appeals:
The Construction Board of Appeals consists of a building contractor, a registered architect or engineer, two members of the general public and the Township Building Inspector.
Their duties include:
1. To rule on appealed orders of dangerous buildings and orders of demolition
Electric Board of Review:
The Electrical Board consists of five members. One member shall be a representative of a public utility furnishing electrical energy in the Township. One member shall be a member of the Township Public Safety Department. One member shall be a licensed electrical contractor actively engaged in the trade. One member shall be a representative of the public at large. One member shall be a licensed electrical journeyman actively engaged in the trade.
The duty of the Electrical Board is to hold meetings as frequently as may be necessary, not less than quarterly, to prescribe standards for electrical materials to be used in the Township.
Community Committees
Jackson Area Comprehensive Transportation Study (JACTS)
Jackson Urban Area Phase II Communities
Region 2 Planning:
The Region II Committee is comprised of two citizen members who represent Blackman Charter Township at the bi-monthly Region II Planning Commission meetings.
Southern Michigan State Prision (SMSP)
Upper Grand River Watershed Council
Click here to print a Committee Application.
Click here for a list of committee members.